What Causes Water Pipes To Burst And How To Prevent Them

Pipe Burst

Causes of Burst Water Pipes 

It is important to know what causes water pipes to burst to prevent it next time. The following are the main causes of burst water pipes.

Corrosion. One cause of bursting water pipes is corrosion. If you have metal water pipes, they can be prone to corrosion which leads to pipe damage. Corrosion may reduce the maximum pressure that pipes can withstand. Additionally, corrosion may also weaken the water pipes. 

Keep in mind that the causes of corrosion include water acidity, high water temperature, high water pressure, and minerals in the water. Although you can’t completely prevent corrosion, you may slow it down. 

Aging. Naturally, plumbing materials, including water pipes, may deteriorate over time. Due to aging, pipes can be weakened, which results in bursting. 

Faulty fittings. If there are faulty fittings or improper attachments on your water pipes, the pressure from water flow can make these fittings burst and lead to flooding from the seams. 

Water freezing. During cold weather, frozen water flow also causes burst pipes. 

Hard water. The water can be harder if it comes with high calcium and magnesium content. Even though it’s not harmful to humans, it can build up in your water pipes and slow down the water flow. It can also cause more water flow pressure that makes your pipes burst. These elements can slowly corrode the water pipes that lead to water leaks. 

Ground movements. Another reason why your water pipes would burst is ground movements. It may damage the buried plumbing pipes. Examples of ground movements are earth tremors and shifting soils. Usually, you can’t do something about it since it is a natural event. Luckily, you can avoid flooding and other soil movements with proper drainage. Water pipes are essential in the plumbing system of your home. These tubes or pipes transport drinking water for you and your family. It also helps to preserve the quality of your water. Water pipes are available in different sizes and types. These are used for transporting water from water tanks to taps. Additionally, it also disposes water from your washbasin. 

Meanwhile, there are some instances that can cause your water pipes to burst. This can bring major inconvenience to your home living and may cost you time, effort, and money in the future. With this, you need to do something to keep your water pipes in their best condition. The first thing is to know what causes them to burst. 

How to know if your water pipes burst

The following are the signs of a broken water pipe:

Wall stains. One sign of a busted water pipe is discoloration on your ceilings or walls. It can be caused by leakage or burst pipe. In this case, you should immediately call a plumber to avoid mold growth and further damage. 

Strange smell from your water pipes. There would be a burst pipe if you observed a strange smell in your water pipes. If this occurs, it’s better to seek the help of a plumber. 

Water discoloration. Another sign of a burst water pipe is water discoloration. If you see brownish water running out from your faucets, there can be rust inside the water pipes. It means that there’s corrosion in your pipes. 

High water bills. If your water pipes burst, you can be surprised by your high water bills. You need a plumber to inspect your system for possible damage. 

How to prevent your water pipes from bursting

Bursting water pipes can lead to several problems. Luckily, there are safety precautions to prevent water pipes from bursting. These include the following:

Seal leaks where cold air can enter your home. You can seal leaks that may let cold air in your home where pipes are placed. Check if there are air leaks on dryer vents, pipes, and electrical wiring. You can use insulation or caulk to keep cold out to prevent your pipes from freezing.

Disconnect the hose from your outside faucet. You should disconnect the hose from your outside faucet to avoid draining out your hose bib as well as freezing and damaging the device.

Check the temperature of your home. Avoid temperatures dropping below 32 degrees in your home where water pipes are located.

Keep your water faucets from running. You should keep your water faucets running slowly during the cold weather to keep water flow to avoid the water line from freezing.

Heat tape installation. You can also use heat tape and install it to warm the pipes in cold weather. If you don’t know how to install it, you can ask for help from a professional plumber.

Hire an expert plumber. One of the best things to avoid your water pipes from bursting is to hire an expert and knowledgeable plumber, specifically a plumber who specializes in sewer and drain work. They have the best strategies to keep the excellent condition of your water pipes. With this, you can prevent the consequences of bursting water pipes.


To sum it up, there are several factors why your water pipes burst. You should know its causes to apply the best treatment and prevention. It is also essential to seek the help of a professional contractor to solve your plumbing problems. Water pipes are essential for convenient home living. So, you should be responsible for its maintenance to make the best use of it.

Have a Bursting Pipe Problem in Seattle, WA?

If you’re looking for a licensed and insured plumbing company to resolve a bursting pipe problem you may be having in your home, give our plumbers a call at the Pipe Doctor! We provide fast and reliable pipe repair service in the Seattle area at an affordable price. Simply call us at (206) 676-2192!

The Pipe Doctor
12345 Lake City Way Ste 311 Seattle, WA 98125
(206) 676-2192

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Published by The Pipe Doctor

Professional Sewer and Drain Experts in Seattle, WA

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